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Faysal Quraishi shrugs aside the controversy on social media caused by her mother’s remarks

Faysal Quraishi shrugs aside the controversy on social media caused by her mother's remarks

Renowned actor Faysal Quraishi discussed the controversy surrounding his mother, Afshan Quraishi’s remarks in a recent interview on the chat show Meri Saheli. The veteran performer had apologized for not asking God to grant her son both success as an actor and excellent character. On social media, however, her remarks were misconstrued and taken out of context.

Faysal claims people misinterpreted his mother’s remarks on social media sites like YouTube and Instagram to stir up conflict. He criticized social media users for highlighting flaws rather than advantages. “People need clicks, if I may talk broadly about social media, whether it be YouTube or Instagram. They require traffic, likes, and clicks. Positive things are much less likely to get this kind of attention. Negative things draw people in more than positive ones.

Faysal told his mother not to clarify in spite of the unnecessary commotion. But after editing and sharing her message on social media, Afshan felt obliged to provide clarification. She said that people had misinterpreted her remarks about praying for her son’s prosperity. “I was laughing a lot when this first came up,” the Khaie actor said of his initial feelings when the matter first arose. Despite my advice that she didn’t need to justify her actions to anyone, my mother chose to do that.

“I kept laughing,” he continued. People were making fun of me in a way that suggested they had never had a reprimand from their mothers. As though their parents have never shown them anger. Although it was humorous, it is a fact of modern social media that anything ordinary can be edited into something extraordinary. One can take a tiny remark and turn it around.

An altered version of an old interview that Afshan had done was the source of the problem. She said in the widely shared video that although she was grateful that her son’s prayers had been fulfilled, she regretted not having prayed for him to be a good son and a decent person. She also mentioned the problem of kids abandoning their parents in assisted living facilities. Faysal handled the issue coolly, despite the tempest in a teacup, underscoring the ability of social media to manipulate reality in order to garner attention and hits.
