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POS Prize Scheme Revamped Rs.1 Billion Available Transparent Draws & More

POS Prize Scheme Revamped Rs.1 Billion Available Transparent Draws & More

Speaking at the post-budget press conference, he said that the scheme was previously closed due to some deceiving activities. The chairman added that currently, over Rs. 1 billion is available in the POS account.

It is worth mentioning that, the first computerized draw of the POS Prize Scheme was held on Saturday, 15th January 2022 at FBR Head Quarters (HQs), Islamabad.

The computerized ballot was conducted transparently and FBR announced prizes worth Rs. 53 million including the top prize of Rs 1 million, two prizes worth Rs. 0.5 million, four prizes of Rs. 0.25 million, and 1,000 prizes of Rs. 50,000 each, in the first computerized draw.

For this event, the verified receipts of one month for the period commencing from 1st December till 31st December 2021 were included.

The winners were informed instantly through text message at the dedicated mobile number and Chairman FBR congratulated the bumper prize winner (Rs 1 million), on the phone.

However, FBR discounted this scheme to make it more inclusive and participatory for the public from January 31, 2023. This innovative prize scheme will continue to give away Rs. 53 million to the lucky 1007 winners through a computerized ballot on the 15th of every month.


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