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PPP Leaders Express Reservations Over Budget

PPP Leaders Express Reservations Over Budget

Talking in the budget transmission of the ARY News Nafisa Shah expressed reservations over the budget adding that these reservations will be presented to the government. “We will settle the issues with dialogue,” Shah said.

“There is no option before us of not extending support to the government over budget,” the PPP leader said.

“What is being discussed with the IMF, I don’t know,” the PPP parliamentarian said.

Earlier, PPP leader Nayyar Bukhari had said that the party has yet to decide to support or oppose the budget.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Tuesday met with President Asif Ali Zardari and discussed the country’s overall economic situation and the upcoming annual budget 2024-25.

Federal Minister for Planning and Special Initiatives Professor Ahsan Iqbal also attended the meeting, according to a President House press release.

President Zardari emphasized that the interests of the low-income and middle class should be protected in the annual budget. He also assured the prime minister of his support for the national development and achievement of fiscal targets.


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