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PTI Leader Challenges FIA Jurisdiction Amid Tweet Probe

PTI Leader Challenges FIA Jurisdiction Amid Tweet Probe

He was talking to the media after a hearing with the FIA in the contentious tweet probe.

“We have challenged the FIA jurisdiction in the high court,” the PTI leader said.

Barrister Gohar said that the Hamood ur Rehman Commission’s report was de-classified in the year 2011.

He also said that the PTI’s founder will appear before the Supreme Court via video link in the NAB amendments case tomorrow.

He said that the PTI has a clear stance that the people have given a mandate to the party, which should be handed over to it.

FIA questioning

Earlier, PTI leaders Barrister Gohar and Raoof Hassan appeared before the FIA after a summon was served to them about a contentious tweet.

The FIA investigation team inquired about uploading of the video, sources said. They were also questioned about the PTI founder’s X (former Twitter) account.

The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) cybercrime wing officials recorded statements of Raoof Hassan and Barrister Gohar. They questioned Raoof Hassan for four hours. Barrister Gohar was questioned for two hours.

The two PTI leaders were also given a questionnaire comprised of 21 questions.


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