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Public Holidays in Pakistan for 2025 Key Dates and Observances

Public Holidays in Pakistan for 2025 Key Dates and Observances

According to a notification issued by the Cabinet Division, several significant days have been declared as public holidays. Kashmir Day and Pakistan Day will be observed on February 5 and March 23, respectively.

Similarly, Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Adha will have three consecutive holidays each. Labour Day on May 1, Yom-e-Takbeer on May 28, and Independence Day on August 14 will also be observed as public holidays during the year 2025.

Likewise, the public holidays have also been announced for Ashura, Eid Milad-un-Nabi, and Iqbal Day (November 9). Quaid-e-Azam Day on December 25 will also be observed as a public holiday.

Public holiday announced on December 25, 26

Additionally, December 26 will be a holiday for the Christian community to celebrate Christmas. Banks will also observe holidays on January 1, July 1, and the first day of Ramadan.
