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Regarding his decision to join the PML-N, Bilawal said, “Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me once, shame on you”

Bilawal observes Alvi entangled in a judicial dispute about constitutional violations

Following the general elections on February 8, Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari vehemently declined to form a coalition government with the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) on Friday.

After the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government was overthrown in April 2022, the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) formed a 16-month government with significant support from the PPP and PML-N.

But with the general elections approaching, the PPP has been attacking its erstwhile coalition allies, accusing the PML-N of being responsible for the rapid rise in prices and the mishandling of the economy during the previous government.

In an interview, Shahzad Iqbal questioned Bilawal on the PML-N’s goal of gaining significant seats from Punjab in the National Assembly and how, should it fail, the PPP would need to regain power in the center.

“Who told you that the PPP will form a coalition government with them [PML-N]?” Bilawal responded. “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me,” is something I have said previously as well.

“It will be difficult for them if they were counting on the [PPP] to form their government,” Bilawal remarked, pointing out that the PML-N is not as strong in Punjab as it once was.

Bilawal said that people from across the spectrum are against PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif becoming the prime minister for the fourth time. He noted that his party would bring independent candidates into their fold to form a government and elect its premier.

Recalling the PDM’s tenure, the PPP chief blamed the PML-N for not following up on the commitments made with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which put the country at stake.

“Their decision hurt the economy,” he said, terming the PML-N leaders’ narrative of “sacrificing politics for saving the state” a “joke”.

Regarding the PTI, which is led by Imran Khan, Bilawal stated that as a democratic politician, he opposes the removal of any party’s electoral emblem because it is essential to any campaign.

“Although I would not desire it, a party must conduct internal polls as required by law. Holding intra-party elections was mandated when the PTI was in government, according to Bilawal, the former foreign minister under the PDM.

According to the PPP president, PTI’s lawyers lost their symbol because they appeared before the Supreme Court for two days without proper preparation. The speaker went on, “Party workers had to bear this loss because of PTI’s legal team.”
