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List of Homemade Skin Care Mask

List of Homemade Skin Care Mask

Natural Ingredients are always best for your skin. If they don’t give you the desired result, they also won’t make your skin worse. You can also use ingredients according to your skin type while avoiding components that are bad for your skin and health like parabens, sulfates and silicons.

Now we will see how to make different homemade masks using natural ingredients. However, before applying always test the mask on a small area of your hand. If you feel any allergic reaction, it’s best to avoid some of the ingredients in your mask mixture.

Chocolate Mask

Eating chocolate may not be good for your skin and body, as it may cause breakouts, but using chocolate as a face mask is good for your skin. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, chocolate soothes irritations and anti-aging.

Make a chocolate mask using ingredients like unsweetened cocoa with a tablespoon of heavy cream and also add some vegetable oil ( walnut, olive and argan oil). First, cleanse your face, then apply the mask in a thick layer. Leave mask on face for fifteen minutes and then rinse your face with water.

Cucumber face mask

Cucumber is rich in water contents. A cucumber face mask is a classic mask and it hydrates and cleanses the skin and makes it brighter.

Make the cucumber mask, first, peel half a cucumber and cut it into small pieces. Mix these cut pieces of cucumber with fresh yoghurt until you obtain a smooth paste. Apply this paste on your face and rinse after fifteen minutes.

Egg White: anti-Wrinkle

A mask of egg white is best for an anti-wrinkle treat. it also helps tighten the pores of the skin and gives it a blow of radiance.

Make a white egg face through the betting white material of an egg until it becomes frothy. Add a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix everything and then apply this mixture on your face, wait for 20 minutes to dry and then rinse your face with water. The mask must be applied on cleansed and dried skin.

Oatmeal face mask

Oats contain vitamin B and minerals, which give skin benefits like moisturizing, anti-irritant and skin-repair. This oatmeal mask is particularly suggested for people with tired and dull skin.

Make an oatmeal mask, soak the 1/3 cup of oat in a half cup of warm water in a bowl. Wait until it is completely soaked, after that add two tablespoons of natural yoghurt, two tablespoons of honey and one egg white. Mix this mixture and apply the paste on your skin in a thick layer. Leave the mask on your face for fifteen minutes, then rinse.

Honey and lemon face mask

Both have beneficial properties for the skin. Lemon is good for cleaning blackheads, due to its antiseptic, lightening and antioxidant deeply cleans the skin and minimizes the skin pores. Honey is also beneficial for your face due to its properties, honey is an antibacterial that absorbs excess sebum. This mask is also best for oily skin.

Make a mask by mixing a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of lemon juice and then apply it to your face. Leave this mixture on your face for fifteen minutes and then rinse it.

Don’t go to the sun exposure after applying this mask. Since lemon is photosensitizing, giving exposure of sun to the skin after applying could be harmful to your skin. So apply this mask before going to bed.

Strawberry facemask

Strawberry face mask is the best exfoliator for sensitive and dry skin. Strawberry has salicylic acid which helps to remove the dead skin. Strawberry with antioxidant properties helps to cleanse your skin.

Mash three and four strawberries in a bowl, then add a tablespoon of honey. Apply this mask to your face and leave it on for fifteen minutes. Wait to dry and then gently massage the skin to exfoliate it. After proper massage rinse your face with clean water.

Aloe vera face mask

Aloe vera mask has healing properties for your face skin. it moisturizes your skin and is usually used in anti-acne creams.

Make a mask of aloe vera by taking aloe vera gel from the plant and adding a 1/2 teaspoon of vegetable oil( sweet almond oil or extra virgin olive oil) and a teaspoon of honey. Apply the mask to your face and leave it on to dry for 30 minutes and then rinse your face with water.


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