Following the animated film’s hit show in 2016 and the ensuing Moana 2 debut, which hits theaters on November 29, 2024; plenty are left asking the question of why we need one more retelling of the same thing that still has so much power. Casting Choices That Raise Eyebrows One of the biggest talking points […]
In Pakistan marriage happens between two people and it means two people becoming one by signing a contract. It is universal, it happens all around the globe, but what makes Pakistani marriage unique and distinct from others is its culture. So, we can say marriage is the same but a wedding in Pakistan is a […]
Sadaf Kanwal claimed women are not oppressed. “They’re very strong, I think I am very strong, and I’m sure you are too,” she told the interviewer. “Our husbands are our culture. I have married, I have to pick up his shoes, I will iron his clothes, which I don’t do, I do very little, but […]