The premier sacked Secretary Food Security Muhammad Asif with immediate affected and appointed Muhammad Fakhar-e-Alam as the new secretary. The Establishment Division has also issued a notification regarding the appointment of Muhammad Fakhar-e-Alam. The action followed after the premier took notice of the wheat import scandal. The initial reports on the wheat import scandal revealed […]
Formulation of the single national curriculum (SNC) is a historic initiative; introduced to eliminate Pakistan’s long-standing class-based education system; according to a statement issued by the Ministry of Education in response. Single national curriculum (SNC): A campaign against the SNC has been started that is spreading false information like; “an Ulema Board has decreed that […]
The Pakistan government has disapproved of the two-finger test (TFT) performed on rape victims. They recommended that it should not be part of any medico-legal examination report in sexual assault cases. The Ministry of Law and Justice has intimated the Additional Attorney General at Lahore about the recommendation. He will now inform the Lahore High […]