During her visit to China, Maryam Nawaz signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Hygea Medical Technologies to bring advanced cancer treatment methods and machinery to Punjab. With the arrival of this machinery, cancer treatment without surgery and chemotherapy will be possible. After meeting with Dr. Luo Fuliang, President of Hygea Medical Technologies, Maryam Nawaz […]
Discovered in January 2023 within the Mari Development and Production Lease area, the Ghazij gas field has unlocked new hydrocarbon opportunities in the mature basins, according to the press release. MPCL’s fast-track appraisal campaign, which included the drilling of four appraisal wells, has confirmed the field’s potential, it added. “All five gas wells (one exploratory […]
A group of Japanese telecom companies has come together to create an advanced wireless device for the next generation of internet called 6G. This new device can send data much faster than the current 5G technology, up to 20 times faster! Imagine downloading a whole movie in just a few seconds that’s how fast this […]