Karachi’s temperature was recorded at 39.1°C on Monday. As per details, Karachi’s temperature is expected to remain hot today, with temperatures ranging between 36°C and 39°C. Humidity levels currently stand at 40%, while light winds are blowing from the northeast in Karachi. The MET office predicted that temperatures will drop slightly to 33°C-35°C starting tomorrow. […]
Seabreeze will be most likely to keep blowing in the city with gentle wind speed. The intense hot weather expected to turn mild after March 12 due to increased wind speed, the Met Office predicted. Temperatures are expected to go down in Karachi after Wednesday, March 12. The Met Office had forecast a spike in […]
The effort, which involves 400 households in Ahmedabad, is part of a global scientific trial to study how indoor heat impacts people’s health and economic outcomes in developing countries – and how “cool roofs” might help. “Traditionally, home is where people have come to find shelter and respite against external elements,” said Aditi Bunker, an […]
“Mercury likely to soar to 36-38 Celsius in Karachi next week,” Met Department focal person Anjum Nazeer Zaigham has said. Hot and dry winds will blow from the northwest for most of the day, and sea breezes will resume in the evening. The weather in the city likely to remain hot from today and temperatures […]
Karachi city is currently experiencing an increase in the intensity of cold weather. Sardar Sarfaraz in his statement confirmed that the cold spell will last until January 17. During this period, strong winds are expected to blow in the city, with the possibility of northeastern winds at a speed of 25 to 30 kilometers per […]
“Strong winds continuing to blow in Karachi”, Chief Meteorologist Sardar Sarfaraz said. The winter sets in and the temperature further drops as the wind speed goes down tomorrow, weather officials said. He said the city will welcome the cold and frosty winds of Quetta in January in the first week of the new year. “Cold […]
In a new interview with a digital media outlet, Bollywood diva Kareena Kapoor, who has been married to fellow actor Saif Ali Khan, for over a decade at this point, revealed that the couple fights over their AC temperature to date, but have somehow found a middle ground. “We surely fight over the AC temperature […]
Approximately 97% of the water on Earth is saltwater. Only 3% is freshwater. In freshwater 3%, most are frozen in the polar caps of Antarctica. The remaining 1% is found in lakes, reservoirs, rivers, streams, and beneath the ground. If all of the world’s water were fit into a gallon jug, the freshwater available for […]
Australian researchers found out that the virus that causes COVID-19 can survive on banknotes, phone screens, and stainless steel for up to 28 days. It is much longer than the flu virus. In this regard, they highlighted the need for effective cleaning and handwashing to avoid the disease. “It really reinforces the importance of washing […]