According to details, Khalid Khurshid has also been ordered to pay a fine of Rs 600,000, ATC judge in Gilgit Rahmat Shah pronounced his verdict in multiple sections of the Anti-Terrorism Act. The ATC judge has also directed the Director General NADRA to block the National Identity Card of Khalid Khurshid. According to the First […]
According to a report by Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the asteroid, measuring approximately 120 feet (37 meters) in length, similar to a commercial jet’s size, is expected to pass by at 7:57 AM PST on December 24, The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has indicated that the 2024 XN1 does not qualify as a potentially hazardous […]
Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer said Islamabad’s conduct raised “real questions” about the aims of its ballistic missile program. “Candidly, it’s hard for us to see Pakistan’s actions as anything other than an emerging threat to the United States,” Finer told the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace audience. “Pakistan has developed increasingly sophisticated missile […]
The resignation of Freeland, 56, who also stepped down as finance minister, marked the first open dissent against Prime Minister Trudeau from within his cabinet and may threaten his hold on power. Liberal leader Trudeau lags 20 points in polls behind his main rival, Conservative Pierre Poilievre, who has tried three times since September to […]
More than 250,000 people in Sri Lanka have been forced to flee after their homes were flooded. Indian weather officials said there was a “possibility” that the deep depression over the southwest Bay of Bengal could develop into a cyclonic storm. Cyclones — the equivalent of hurricanes in the North Atlantic or typhoons in the […]
As reported by Indian media, arrested suspect Faizan Khan, a lawyer from Chhattisgarh, had Shah Rukh Khan’s first-born son Aryan on the radar as well, as his mobile phone had searches related to the superstar’s security team and his son’s movement. Notably, after SRK received a life-threat call at his production company Red Chillies Entertainment’s […]
In a swift response to a life-threat call, received at Shah Rukh Khan’s production company Red Chillies Entertainment, Mumbai Police sprung into action, starting a joint investigation with Cyber Police on Thursday. As per the latest development, the officials have traced the phone, which is believed to be of a Raipur-based lawyer, Faizan Khan, who […]
As reported by Indian media, Salman Khan has received yet another death threat, the third in less than two weeks, where an unknown person has sent a WhatsApp message to Mumbai Police’s Traffic Helpline number, demanding the actor pay INR2 crores. According to the details, the Traffic Police received the message from an unknown sender, […]