WhatsApp recently updated its Privacy Policy, which lead to quite some rumors. However these were just mere rumors and people did not misinterpreted them; which resulted in the loss of WhatsApp itself. WhatsApp Privacy Policy In the latest Privacy Policy WhatsApp declares how it is a part of Facebook Companies and talks about collecting and […]
WhatsApp is battling mistrust globally after it updated its privacy policy to let it share some user data with parent Facebook and other group firms, and the backlash risks thwarting its ambitions in its biggest market, India. Though WhatsApp has yet to see mass uninstalls of its app in India; users concerned about privacy are […]
Amid row over reports of WhatsApp users alleging leak of their private messages with family and friends on search engines, the Facebook-owned messaging service has issued yet another clarification. However, WhatsApp has said the change in its recently revised policy “does not affect the privacy of messages with friends or family”. “Instead, this update includes […]
WhatsApp’s updated privacy policy has left many users confused regarding the new rules of the app. Khilji, who is also a director of the digital rights organization Bolo Bhi, said that one-to-one conversations between users will “remain encrypted”. However, he explained WhatsApp will now provide “some information” to its parent company Facebook. Khilji said WhatsApp […]
A new WhatsApp update will allow users to delete an image, video, or gif on someone else’s phone after sending it to them. The Expiring Media feature causes media to disappear after being viewed within a chat. In order to enable the feature, the sender needs to select a “view once” button when sending the […]