They cherished my clothes: Saba Faisal doing designs for Kulsoom Nawaz and Maryam

Saba Faisal doing designs for Kulsoom Nawaz and Maryam

Whilst in conversation with Iffat Omar, Saba Faisal revealed intriguing peeks into her experiences creating garments for major political people, like Maryam Nawaz and Kulsoom Nawaz. Saba revealed with satisfaction how her unique products had won acclaim from the politically motivated family. “They were very fond of my attire,” she proudly remarked.

In the course of the discussion, Saba also emphasized her unique design instincts, mentioning a “hit combination” she created that combined turquoise and brown tones. She proudly asserted that she was the one who brought this unusual combination to the world of fashion, showcasing her inventiveness. “The first time, I made that. It is very certain that I was the first to come up with that combination,” Saba said.

Thinking back on her relationship with the Nawaz family, Saba revealed that she had attended a number of family events, including weddings. She talked about how she had dressed Maryam Nawaz’s sister and Hamza Shehbaz Sharif, highlighting the tight working relationship she had with the family. Saba believes that the Nawaz family’s taste was reflected in her fine hand embroidery work, which is why her designs were well received. She also related stories of dressing details that she had coordinated with Maryam Nawaz’s aunt, highlighting the unique touch she added to every creation.

The information about Saba connections to prominent politicians opens up a new chapter in her varied career and highlights her inventiveness and adaptability outside of the performing arts. Saba contributions to the various domains of life endure, as her body of work keeps creating waves in the entertainment and political sectors.