China’s First Hyperloop Shanghai to Hangzhou at 1000km/h

China to Build a 100-Mile-Long “Elon Musk” Hyperloop By 2035

China’s top engineering and rail design experts have exciting news: they plan to build the country’s first hyperloop train line! This futuristic project will connect two bustling cities, Shanghai and Hangzhou, spanning 150km (about 93 miles).

What makes this project so special? Well, it’s all about speed! The hyperloop train will travel inside a special vacuum tunnel, allowing it to reach mind-blowing speeds of up to 1,000km/h (that’s about 621mph!).

Before choosing the Shanghai-Hangzhou route, the experts carefully evaluated several options. They considered economic potential, population density, and existing transport infrastructure. In the end, they decided that connecting Shanghai and Hangzhou would bring the most benefits to the region.