Like Emojis? This Might Just Surprise You

Emoji cover

We like to talk. But,  only a few listen closely. Similarly, people enjoy texting. Perhaps, you’ve noticed that some friends use emojis and others don’t. I have a friend that constantly uses the same emoji irrespective of the circumstances. At first, I didn’t think it meant anything. Maybe she was fond of it. However, after recently reading about the consistent use of emojis, I decided to confront her. If you like to use emojis or know someone who does, read till the end. You will be shocked!!

Apparently, we convey our feelings through emojis while texting. Since the other person can’t see our face, we try to be more transparent by inserting emojis at the end of our texts. But, did you know that using a specific emoji can lead to definitive conclusions about who are you? Below, I’ll list five emojis with their underlying meanings. Next time you use an emoji, try to be careful. You’re communicating a message with these emojis!

Thumbs Up Emoticon

If used sparingly from time to time, this emoji might give off the impression that you’re a chill person. You’d rather go with the flow than enforce your opinion. However, excessive use might make you seem like a pushover. Furthermore, people might take your relaxed attitude to mean that you don’t care at all. Therefore, try to change things up every once in a while.
thumbs up sign

Blowing Kiss Emoji

I personally love this one and use it accordingly. With friends and family, I shower this emoji in our chats. Basically, this emoji conveys feelings of kindness, love, and gratitude. Individuals who choose to use this emoji consistently like a bit of romance in their lives. Also, they can be flirty at times. Try not to use it too much unless you’re able to deal with the consequences!
blowing kiss

Folded hands or Praying Emoji

I’m not sure about the exact name for this emoticon but it looks like we’re praying. When we pray, we are filled with gratitude. Sending this emoji displays your gratefulness for that person in your life. However, if used often, it might seem like you think you are a burden for others and this might put them off. Remember to clarify anything because these emojis can be a little tricky.

Laughing on the Floor Emojis

This is probably the best emoji ever. We all have used it once or twice whenever someone cracks a joke. Also, this emoji is never used once. We use about four or five to portray how hard we are laughing! However, using this emoji too much and in inappropriate circumstances might signal that you are internally struggling. Consequently, it feels as if you are pretending or hiding away your true emotions by using this emoticon.

Smiling Face with Heart Eyes Emojis

Another favorite. This emoji is famous for being cute and tender. We send this emoji when we feel loved or wanna show our love. Usually, this emoticon is used with the red heart (or purple heart if you’re a BTS ARMY). This illustrates that you are a warm, loving, and emotional individual. You are not afraid to show others how much you care. However, too much use could point to romantic feelings.  Just remember who you’re texting before you send this out.

So, there you have it. There are more emojis out there that need to undergo a thorough analysis. One thing to mention here is that don’t let this hinder your use and love for emojis. Use them as much as you! Just remember that these are still not perfect ways to express your emotions and feelings. Call your friends for clarification or meet the person. No matter what, you cannot replace genuine feelings with these digital emojis.

Wanna know exactly what to say? Click here.
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