ENFP -The Campaigner and True Match of INFJ


Another addition to the personality family. ENFP. Basically, it stands for Extroverted, Intuition, Feeling and Perceiving. Around 5-7 percent of people in our world fall into this category. Here, we will discuss the various defining characteristics of ENFP and why INFJ and ENFP get along so well! Therefore, without wasting any more time, let’s get started!!

Characteristics of ENFP

So, some defining qualities of ENFP include:
1. They have excellent social skills
2. Also, they are good at understanding what other people are feeling.
3. ENFPs can also become easily distracted, particularly when they are working on something that seems boring or uninspiring.
4. It’s important to never forget that ENFPs strongly dislike routine and prefer to focus on the future.

Famous ENFPs

Dr. Seuss
Mark Twain
Salvador Dali
Sandra Bullock
Robin Williams
Ellen Degeneres
Ron Weasley (Yeah. I went there.)

Career Options

Following are some career options that suit ENFP well. Therefore, if you are an ENFP, go ahead and try considering one of these. Chances are … YOU WON’T REGRET!
TV Anchor/Reporter

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Personal Experience

Now, it’s time for my personal experience insights. So, if you’re new to this whole personality thing, this is the time when I share my thoughts and feelings about this certain personality type. Also, since I’m an INFJ, a very close friend of mine fits this personality type. If you were paying attention in the first paragraph, I told you that there’s a highly compatible match between ENFP and INFJ. Therefore, I’ll also be going into that a bit.

Personally, ENFPs are the best and most fun friends you’ll make. Trust me on this. Unlike me (who hates trying new things and CHANGE), they are always trying out new things that interest them. Also, They are perceptive of other people’s feelings and can figure people out quite quickly. Furthermore, they are quite passionate and considerate. They need “EXCITEMENT” in their lives and to keep the friendship ALIVE, one needs to find a way to make it spicy now and then. If you know what I mean. I’m not saying “go rob a bank”. Just something that’s exhilarating but not illegal. Like bungee jumping.


Since I’m an INFJ and a good friend of mine is ENFP, I think I know what I’m talking about.So, what is it about these two types that make them COMPATIBLE? Well, both have a compassionate and idealistic nature, and even if we disagree on some things, when it comes to the important stuff, both are on the same page.

Also, we share a dedication to our ideals and a commitment to helping others.Furthermore, fundamentally, our goals are the same: to make the world a better place. This shared ethic gives us the opportunity for a deep and lasting bond. Conflict is unlikely, because both are inclined to imagine themselves in the other person’s shoes. When difficulties come up, they’ll tend to approach them with compassion and empathy.

Read more about personality types: INFJ, ESFP, INFP etc.
If you’re interested in poetry, see if you can read THIS.