INFJ-Self Care for the Rarest Personality Type



An INFJ’s personality make them more likely to experience burnout at the end of the day. Whether it is mental or physical exhaustion, INFJs have an innate capability of draining themselves. Hence, if you are an INFJ, you need to take care of your well-being. Why? Because you come first. Always!
How? It’s easy and simple. I’m sharing five tips that I personally use (as I’m also an INFJ) to take care of myself.

Be more playful, INFJ!

INFJs are serial planners. And sometimes, if you get in the way of our plans, we become serial killers. But, seriously, we take planning very earnestly! Some, even schedule time to not plan. Regardless of how your schedule looks like, try to do something spontaneous. It doesn’t have to be something big. It could be going out to an impromptu lunch with a friend. If you feel hesitant because going with the flow is not in your nature, work your way up to it. At the end of the day, you will feel a bit lighter and maybe happier.

Going with the flow can bring about cheerful accidents and moments of amusement that provide humor and relief. It will bring back fun and joy into your otherwise precisely scheduled life. These moments will also allow you to disconnect from your mind and give your brain the rest that it craves.

Sense it!

INFJs can sometimes live too much in their heads and may need a nudge to get out. Okay. Maybe a little more than just a nudge. Yeah. I’m talking about a full-on kick! When you feel overwhelmed, engage your senses by lighting an aromatic candle, taking a warm shower, or listening to music. Do anything that creates an awareness of you in your body and calms you down. Hopefully, doing so will help you relieve stress and feel better.

T.V. is sometimes better than reality!

Sometimes, what the day calls for is mindless TV. Re-runs are the type of escapism your overly active mind needs after a long tiring day. You don’t need to watch any rigorous movie as that won’t help at all. Remember the key is to relax. I, personally watch the Ellen show because it’s so funny!

Don’t know your personality type? Take this test now! It’s fun and easy. Best of all, it’s 100 percent free!

Create a calm environment

INFJs are sometimes highly-sensitive people. Well, sometimes is probably taking it a little lightly. We are extremely sensitive. And I’m not being dramatic. If you’re like me, try to create for yourself an environment that is calm and peaceful. Dim the lights, open a window, and try to limit the number of sensory stimuli. This moment of pause will make you feel happier and more relaxed. A great time to pause is in the mornings, right before your day begins. Meditating or even having 15 minutes of silence in the morning mentally prepares you for the day ahead. Also, yoga is great too!

Reflect and Introspect, INFJ!

INFJs, and any other introvert, love to introspect. In fact, it is our hallmark trait. That’s why we keep many journals and dairies. Unfortunately, your hectic life might not allow you time to introspect and ponder on philosophical questions. So, schedule time to do so. Furthermore, indulge in moments of introspection. This time will help you check in with your inner self and readjust your intention and purpose. It will give you a sense of clarity that can help you as you move forward throughout the day.

Conclusively, everyone can use a little bit of self-care, not just INFJs. I hope that this article has been helpful and encouraged you to take care of yourself.

Did you know that we tend to text our personalities? Find out how by clicking here!
So, what’s an Inner Child and what happens when it’s wounded? Check this out to find out more!