Government School Meal Program Kickstarts in Islamabad’s Tarnol and Nelore Sectors

Government School Meal Program Kickstarts in Islamabad's Tarnol and Nelore Sectors

The Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training is starting a new program to provide free meals to students in government schools in Islamabad.

In the first stage of the program, about 40 primary schools will get meals this week. Specifically, 20 of these schools are in the Tarnol and Nelore sectors.

Secretary Education Mohyuddin Ahmad Wani said that the government is giving free meals to children in these primary schools. He also mentioned that the Allah Waley Trust is helping with this initiative.

Wani added that all primary schools will start giving out meals in the next two months. According to a recent report by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), around 2.14 million children across Pakistan are facing severe malnutrition.