Jewel’s Secret .. An ORIGINAL Vampire Short Story Part 1


Jewel’s Secret

“Your Highness, Princess Celia has arrived.” A low, masculine voice reverberated in the grand ballroom.
I twirled around to see a young woman with icy blonde hair and dazzling emeralds for eyes walking towards me. I curtsied when she halted a few steps in front of me.
“It is a pleasure to meet you.” I said.
She gave me a tight-lipped smile and nodded her head.
“Guard, please make sure that we are not disturbed.”

“Yes, Your Royal Highness.” The guard closed the palace doors. After the sound of the click of the door echoed in the room, Princess Celia looked at me.
“Princess Jewel, I think you know why I am here.” She shot me a wary look.
“I am not following, Princess Celia.” My voice was calm and steady, my heartbeat normal and my full red lips curved into the most innocent smile.

She took me in. My lavender flower-printed sundress shined lustrously in the stunning sunlight seeping through the palace windows. I had dark chocolate brown eyes and brown-black hair which most definitely secured me a position in the normal category. The only thing intimidating about me was the length of my hair. I was born with a gift. My hair grew about a foot every two years. Now, as I was nearing my twentieth birthday, ten feet of dark, straight hair was pulled back into a twisted French braid terminating at the end of my four-inch lavender pumps.
She stared at me for quite some time when I finally pulled her out of her reverie by a quiet chuckle.

“See something you like, Princess Celia?” I asked her with a self-satisfied grin.
She cleared her throat and glared at me. She narrowed her eyes at me and crossed her arms over her chest.
“You don’t fool me.”
“Don’t is not proper grammar or have you forgotten your manners, Princess-”
“Stop deflecting. Tell me where my brother is.” She cut me off tersely.
I narrowed my eyes.
“Yes, I heard about the young prince’s disappearance. But, why are you asking me?” I whispered softly.


Suddenly, my heart was pounding against my chest and blood whooshed in my ears. So, she was not as dumb as she looked. I guess they should modify the stereotypes of dumb blondes. Apparently, this one had a brain and good intuition.
Her eyes suddenly turned cold and clouded. Lifting her chin, she spoke confidently.
“Before disappearing a few days ago, he came to visit you. He hasn’t been seen since.”
“Maybe he is a ghost.” I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes at my reply. Really? A ghost? Maybe I needed lessons on stalling. Who knew what excuse I would concoct next?
“I am not going to leave until I discover his whereabouts.” She gritted her teeth and dug her fingernails into her palms.

“Whatever you deem fit. Now, if you will excuse me, I am busy.” I said nonchalantly. I stalked around her and headed towards the door. When I reached the far end of the room, she grabbed my elbow and pushed me backwards.
“I know you had something to do with it. Just tell me where he is.” She hissed.
I considered my options. Plan A- drain her blood. Plan B- kick her out of the palace.
My stomach grumbled loudly and I tried to stifle a groan. I hadn’t eaten anything in the past week. Prince Calvin, Princess Celia’s brother, was too skinny to be considered a meal. A snack even failed to do justice to him. He was more of a refreshment. The ones people put up for free because they are expired or not sought after.

Of course I had no intention of eating him when he first arrived. He was a polite boy. Affectionate even. But, my appetite was partial to men. Handsome men. And let’s just say he was near me at the wrong place and wrong time. I wasn’t able to control myself and the present situation was a consequence of my lack of self-control.

But, there was no way I could eat Princess Celia and get away with it. She was last seen here with me. My name would be put on the top of the MOST WANTED list. So, plan A was not going to work at all. Plan B would raise a few questions from my parents but it was worth a shot.
I called the guard standing in the balcony of the room.
“Royce, please escort the princess back to her carriage.”

Don’t forget to check these out

1. Gatsby
2. Personality Pages
3. Poetry Section
4. Prologue of Novel