Meditation Techniques to Try Right NOW!

Meditation is simple. Also, it’s one of the best things you can do for your health and overall well-being. But, what is it exactly? Well, it’s an especially effective technique for stress relief because it enables you to relieve stress in the moment and to create changes in yourself that will help you to be less reactive to the stressors you face in the future. Wow! That sounds like something that we all NEED right about now!!

Now, learning how to meditate can be fun as there are so many meditation techniques that can be effective—if one style meditation doesn’t feel right, another style will. So keep on trying. Experiment. And enjoy the ride!

Mindfulness Method

Okay. I’m just gonna lay it out right now! Mindfulness meditation may be one of the more challenging forms of meditation. Especially for meditation beginners! But it is highly beneficial and rewarding. So, why not at least try?

For newbies, mindfulness meditation requires no props or preparation (no candles to light, mantras to choose, or techniques to learn). And best of all? Long-term practice can bring a calmer mind and less reactivity to stress.
The key feature of mindfulness meditation is a focus on the present moment. Rather than focusing on something outside of oneself, mindfulness meditation requires a focus on “now.” Yeah. NOW!

Walking Meditation

Learning how to meditate with a walking meditation is simple. THANK GOD! Also, it provides some of the relaxation benefits of exercise as well as the standard benefits of meditation.

The key to a walking meditation is not just the walking itself, of course, it’s the frame of mind in which you walk. Walking meditations can be fast or slow, can be practiced with a clear mind or with the aid of music or a mantra. Walking meditation is especially useful for those who like to stay active and may feel stressed with the silence and stillness of some of the other methods, like mindfulness meditation.

Mantra Meditation

Mantra meditation is another simple technique for those who are new to meditation. I feel like it’s the most common one that everyone knows about. It combines some of the benefits of positive affirmations with the benefits of meditation with the repetition of a single word or sound. Some people feel a little uncomfortable with the idea of repeating “om” or humming, but you can use whatever mantra you like. I mean, we’re not all Shifu.

As with walking meditation, the chief principle with mantra meditation is the meditative state you achieve and not necessarily the mantra you use, though it’s a good idea to choose a mantra you’re comfortable with.

Mindfulness In Daily Life

Mindfulness is cultivated in many ways throughout the day. Basically, staying fully present with whatever you are doing and maintaining a focus on the physical experience of the present moment can help you maintain mindfulness as you go through your day. It might be a struggle at first. Especially if you’re a thinking introvert like me! But, keep at it!

Chocolate Kind

When you’re looking at how to meditate, here’s a relatively fast and savory technique to try. The chocolate meditation is a form of mindfulness meditation that’s often used in mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) classes, is simple for beginners, engages several senses, and has a built-in reward of making the taste of chocolate feel more intense. Using dark chocolate for this exercise brings its own benefits. If you’re looking for something simple and new, try the chocolate meditation. You won’t regret it! That’s a promise.

Breathing Meditation

Breathing meditation is one of the most popular forms of meditation because of its ease and simplicity, as well as its convenience (breathing is always occurring, so it’s a convenient anchor for meditation). The breath provides a natural focus that’s unobtrusive, but always there, and creates a natural rhythm to get lost in.

You can practice breathing meditation for a few minutes, or for longer, and always find relaxation.

Bath Works

One comforting technique for those looking at how to meditate is the bath meditation. A bath meditation combines the standard benefits of meditation with the benefits of a soothing, hot bath, which can relax worn-out muscles. Not only that but it provides a relaxing atmosphere and allows a temporary feeling of escape from stressors.

Being in the water can also help you to stay awake, something that is important but sometimes challenging if you’re learning how to meditate when tired. Try a bath meditation, and be clean, relaxed, and ready for bed (or a low-stress day) when you’re finished.


For those who feel they don’t have time for full-length meditation sessions (20 minutes is a good average amount of time), or for those who would like to experience some of the benefits of meditation between longer sessions, mini-meditations (meditations around 5 minutes in length) are a great technique to try.

Mini-meditations are very simple and fit in well with even the busiest of schedules. So go ahead and recommend it to that BUSY friend you have. They’ll thank you later! Learn how to meditate in shorter bursts and work up to longer sessions. That’s the real TRICK!

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