Famous Artifacts and Museums in Pakistan

Do you have any old clothes old pictures or other objects that remind you of bygone days? People often like to keep memorable objects. Moreover, A collection of memorable objects; is called a museum. In the old days; Kings and rich people used to keep private museums Today; most of the museums are run by the governments; of the countries and they are open to the public. Public museums keep important objects from the past; such as old coins, pottery, documents, weapons; and other objects that help us understand the way people used to live in the old days. One of the most famous museums in the world is the British Museum in London. Another famous museum is the Louvre museum in Paris; which displays some of the most valuable paintings of the world.

Furthermore, The Pakistan Museum of Natural History has four divisions namely Botanical Sciences, Earth Sciences, Zoological Sciences; and Public Services. The first three divisions; are engaged in the collection; preservation, identification, and research activities pertaining to plants; fossils & minerals, and animal resources of Pakistan respectively; while the latter is responsible for mass education and popularization of natural history through various displays, exhibits and dioramas.


Firstly, Pakistan also has many famous museums Karachi museum is famous for its wide range of collections. It includes objects from almost every period of history There is a special section on calligraphy; which contains some very beautiful samples of calligraphy.


Secondly, The Lahore Museums are best known; for a very valuable statue of Buddha named fasting Buddha; Other important objects; stored there include things from the Mughal period.

Peshawar Museum

Thirdly, Peshawar Museums are well-known for their collection; of Gandas statues Gandhara was the name; given to the region around Peshwar. A long time ago it used to be a Buddhist region; the people here made sculpture Peshawar Museum has a vast collection of such objects. Important historical site there is a museum that keeps objects related to that site. Moen jo Daro has a large number of museums; Harappa, Taxila, Bhambhore, and other places. They’re also a very interesting museum about the life of common people in the various regions of Pakistan. Lastly, the Lok Virsa museum s. Natural history provides information; about the animals;  disappeared from the earth. They display models and skeletons of these animals.