What is Technique?

The word technical comes from téchne, a word with Greek roots which has been translated into Spanish as’art’ or ‘science‘.

A set of procedures that science, art, or skill uses. The history of technology is one of human progress in its material aspect. With its repercussions on the intellectual and spiritual order.

In general, entrepreneurs identify more ideas than opportunities because many ideas are typically generated to find the best way to capitalize on an opportunity. Several techniques can be used to stimulate and facilitate the generation of new ideas for products, services, and businesses.


This is a process in which a small group of people interacts with very little structure, intending to produce a large quantity of novel and imaginative ideas. The goal is to create an open, uninhibited atmosphere that allows members of the group to ‘freewheel’ ideas. Normally, the leader of the group asks the participants to share their ideas. As group members interact, each idea sparks the thinking of others, and the spawning of ideas becomes contagious.

Focus Groups:

These are groups of individuals who provide information using a structured format. Normally, a moderator will lead a group of people through an open, in-depth discussion. The group members will form comments in open-end in-depth discussions for a new product area that can result in market penetration. This technique is an excellent source for screening ideas and concepts.


A method that can be used to describe a person or group of peoples behavior by probing:

  1. What do people/organizations buy?
  2. What do they want and cannot buy?
  3. What do they buy and don’t like?
  4. Where do they buy, when and how?
  5. Why do they buy?
  6. What are they buying more of?
  7. What else might they need but cannot get?


This method or a technique is proposed by Zikmund (1994). This process involves the gathering of data based on communication with a representative sample of individuals. This research technique requires asking people who are called respondents for information either verbally or by using written questions. Questionnaires or interviews are utilized to collect data on the telephone or face-to-face interview.

Emerging Trends:

The example is based on the population within your area may be getting older and creating demand for new products and services.

Research and Development:

Research is a planned activity aimed at discovering new knowledge, with the hope of developing new or improved products and services. Researching new methods, skills and techniques enables entrepreneurs to enhance their performance and ability to deliver better products and services.

Tradeshows and association meetings:

This technique can be an excellent way to examine the products of many potential competitors, uncover product trends and identify potential products.

Other Technique:

This can be achieved by reading relevant trade magazines and browsing through trade directories. These may include local, national and foreign publications