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Apple Glass Patent Reveals Innovative Dual-Axis Hinge for Sleek AR Glasses

Apple Glass Patent Reveals Innovative Dual-Axis Hinge for Sleek AR Glasses

Following the announcement of the Apple Vision Pro, the rumor about Apple developing smart glasses has been reignited, suggesting that these smart glasses made to be thinner than typical VR or AR glasses, dubbed Apple Glass, will be a lightweight AR platform resembling regular spectacles, thinner than typical VR or AR headsets.

In a patent application disclosed on Thursday, initially filed on February 14, 2024, Apple offers a “Dual-Axis Hinge Mechanism.”

While patent filings are typically dry, this one notably includes repeated references to “eyewear,” indicating its intended use for glasses.

The patent filing explains how the hinge mechanism allows the arms of the glasses to move from a folded position to a standard open position, and even to a hyperextended setting.

For glasses wearers, this means having arms that can extend wider than usual, accommodating people with larger heads, or preventing damage when opened wider than the frame might otherwise allow.

The patent includes technical drawings with multiple views and labeled components of an electromechanical device, showcasing side views and a detailed look at the coiled mechanism.
