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Ben Stiller Plays Downplaying role of nepotism in Hollywood


American actor Ben Stiller is facing a barrage of backlash after downplaying the role of nepotism in Hollywood. Moreover, The Night in the Museum actor was slammed by social media users after he defended a new project that was written by and featured the children of numerous Hollywood celebrities. Ben, son of comedians Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara, had reacted to a sarcastic tweet by producer Franklin Leonard, that read: “Hollywood’s a meritocracy, right?”

Ben Stiller Riles up Twitter:

Secondly, “Too easy @franklinleonard. People, working, creating. Everyone has their path. Wish them all the best,” Stiller had reacted to Leonard. Furthermore, The now-contentious project, titled The Rightway, is being helmed by director Steven Spielberg’s daughter, Destry, and is being written by the son of Stephen King, Owen. Additionally, it will also star Sean Penn’s son, Hopper, as per Deadline.

Moreover, “Just speaking from experience, and I don’t know any of them, I would bet they all have faced challenges. Different than those with no access to the industry. 
