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Celebrity Share Mirachle Cures To Clear Acne

Celebrity Share Mirachle Cures To Clear Acne

Acne ranks as an important concern for dermatologists and its emotional impact is understandable. It started during the teenage years and its prevalence in adults is on the rise, particularly common in women, with around 15% affected by this. The American Academy of Dermatology found that around 85% of Americans will be affected by acne at some age in their lives.

There are remedies and so-called natural cures suggested by celebrities, beauty publications and various other channels. However, many of these solutions contradict established scientific research.

Why? There’s big money in acne treatment

Acne can affect our self-confidence and make us feel insecure so people are ready to spend all their money on it. They agree to spend everything to get back their clear skin. The global acne treatment market was worth $9.5 billion and is expected to be worth $16.9 billion by 2030.

Be careful who you trust, as acne can lead to scarring

The trending unproven products that are considered the latest miracle acne cure can be bad for your skin. Not only can they cause your skin acne to return but also prolong the treatment duration, which can disturb your mental health. Even leads to the risk of permanent scarring and increases the duration of acne.

Natalie Portman says to go vegan

The famous actress suggests cutting out dairy products and eggs completely from your diet. While there is little evidence of such claims. Also AAD doesn’t suggest any particular dietary change to fight acne, there is more scientific research.

Victoria Beckham says to eat salmon

Victoria in between conversations with Net-A-porter magazine that the doctor recommended, eats salmon every day. She has a long battle with acne. As salmon contains omega-3 healthy fatty acids, still there’s not a piece of scientific evidence to suggest any particular food that helps to cure acne.

GIGI Hadid said she puts toothpaste on pimples

Dermatologists went crazy when Gigi shared the use of toothpaste on pimples at night. Not you should keep your toothpaste for your tooth and only use clinically proven acne-fighting ingredients like adapalene, benzoyl adapalene and benzoyl peroxide to treat your adult acne said Julie Harper.

A mixture of topical tretinoin with topical clindamycin applied once in the evening

Tretinon is another retinoid, to fight against acne, it also increases the need to apply sunscreen frequently. it should be avoided during pregnancy.

An effective solution touted by Bella Thorne

The celebrity shares how she  fight against her acne, saying that there are the strongest treatments in the market. Accutane is One of them, but didn’t work for her. Other than accutane she shared her experience with anti-bacterial gel clindamycin was a big help for her to cure her acne.

For mild to moderate acne: Benzoyl peroxide and topical clindamycin

If you don’t have a severe acne avoid retinoids. Benzoyl peroxide and topical clindamycin useful ingredients proven to work for those who have milder cases.

According to Katy Perry after spending thousands of dollars she used benzoyl peroxide. According to her, was the best thing she ever used for her acne.


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