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Few Things American Assume Attractive, But The Rest Of The World Might Not

Few Things American Assume Attractive

Many biological cues define humans as attractive and also there are social and cultural constructs of beauty standards. The media usually heavily manipulate these, depending on where you live.

Americans make no difference in it, some beauty standards that the USA construct through their culture and social which define human attractiveness. These beauty standards may not be found attractive in other parts of the world.

Holywood smile

Hollywood smile is very famous in Americans everyone wants to have perfect pearl white straight teeth. And Americans people obsessed with having pearl-white straight teeth and many strive to achieve this. This is an American thing, not everyone around the world is obsessed with this obsession.

Hollywood smile is not an ultimate goal in other parts of the world, British for example prefer nice natural smiles-natural in colour.


Americans love smiling people. According to psychology professor Jessica Tracy, people who smile more are more attractive, specifically women. Smiling is not the only standard for attractive people around the world. In Russia for example, smiling can even be seen as a sign of stupidity.

Cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic surgery is only famous in the US and it doesn’t seem so important anywhere. Surgeries like gluteal augmentation, AKA butt lifts, in the rise since the 2000 year.

Plump lips

Plum lips are considered a sign of attractiveness in America, full lips are a sign of sexual arousal. Plum lips are very famous among American women and American women think is an attractive feature of women.

Take examples from pop culture icons such as Marilyn Monroe and Angeline Jolie and many more American women who aspire to do lump lips to look attractive.

In other parts of the world don’t feel the need to have plump lips to look attractive women in Japan and China prefer to have more balanced lips and even thinner lips.

Being Skinny

This trend is very prevalent in America, American women to look beautiful strive to be thin not referring to a healthy weight, but an excessively skinny figure. Other parts of the world do not resemble skinny bodies with attractiveness.


Blonde hairs are very common in American women, gentlemen prefer blondes. But only 5% of caucasian Americans actually have natural blonde hair and this percentage gets lower worldwide with only 2% of people having blonde hair.

Americans don’t hesitate to dye their hair blonde to look attractive, which according to a study makes women attractive.

Complete grooming routine

Americans have this complete grooming routine in a day, they make appointments to get their nails done, for blow dryers, and pedicures. Being groomed head to toe is a very American thing. But people from others around the world don’t follow the whole routine as often as Americans do.

Casual wear

Casual wearing and shorts are common in America, An Indian student described that when she went to a USA college all of them were wearing shorts. So casual wearing in the USA is very common. Of course, it’s not just wearing shorts as a casual dress, it’s the whole casual way of dressing.
