A 30-year-old woman was gang-raped and threatened in the parking space of Baba Saheb Ambedkar (BSA) Hospital in outer Delhi’s Rohini, allegedly by a security guard and two former bouncers of the hospital early Friday morning, the police said. The two bouncers were arrested early while the security guard was caught Monday. All three had […]
WASHINGTON: The US election was plunged into chaos early Wednesday as President Donald Trump prematurely declared victory and sought Supreme Court intervention to stop vote-counting — even as his Democratic rival Joe Biden voiced confidence in his own chances. In a divisive election cast under the shadow of the coronavirus pandemic that has claimed more […]
.ÏVIENNA: A mass shooting at several locations in the Austrian capital Vienna left at least two people dead and more than a dozen injured, shattering the city’s calm atmosphere and sending everyone into a panic. As music lovers enjoyed an opera and young people in bars raised a final glass together before a new coronavirus […]
0Rescuers in Izmir pull the girl out alive from the rubble, as the death toll in the earthquake crossed 100. A three-year-old girl was pulled from the rubble of a collapsed building 91 hours after a powerful earthquake hit western Turkey, as the death toll rose to 100 on Tuesday, said the local mayor. “We […]
Afghanistan’s interior ministry said Monday that at least 19 people were killed and 22 injured after a six-hour-long gun battle between Afghan security forces and armed assailants at Kabul University came to an end. The ministry said that three people were involved in the attack, among them, two were killed during an exchange of fire, […]
A powerful earthquake has struck off Turkey’s Aegean coast, north of the Greek island of Samos, officials said. The 7.0 magnitude tremor was centered off Turkey’s Izmir province, the US Geological Survey said, and was felt as far away as Athens and Istanbul. Turkey put the magnitude of the quake at 6.6, saying 20 buildings […]
Police said three people were confirmed to have died and several injured in the knife attack at French church. A police source said a woman was decapitated. French politician Marine Le Pen also spoke of a decapitation having occurred in the attack. A source at the scene said police armed with automatic weapons had put […]
Saudi Arabia plans to cancel a foreign worker sponsorship system, known as kafala, and replace it with a new form of contract between employers and employees. According to sources, the kafala system — that generally binds an expatriate worker to one employer — had been in place for seven decades in the kingdom. Rights groups […]
India newly declared laws state that they will allow non-residents to buy land in occupied Kashmir. The Prime Minister Narendra Modi government (India) has enacted controversial laws for Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK); and Ladakh territories which allow any Indian citizen; However India govt.’s move of letting non-residents buy land in disputed region […]
Be it India economy, it’s handling of the Coronavirus pandemic, its socio-political landscape, its foreign policy, its handling of security, and its democratic institutions and instincts — all are in a varying degree of crisis today, endangering the nation’s rise as a credible and stable global player. Indian economy is passing through a historic low […]