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Government Announces a Big Reduction in Petrol Prices


The government has reduced the prices of petrol for the second time in 15 days. The rates of oil have been on a decline worldwide, due to which the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) had suggested the government reduce the prices of petrol in its latest summary.

The price of petrol has been brought down by Rs. 1.79 and that of high-speed diesel (HSD) by Rs. 2.32. Whereas the price of kerosene oil has been decreased by Rs. 2.06 and that of light diesel fuel by Rs. 2.21. The following are the revised prices of the petroleum products in Pakistan:

Product Old Price (PKR) Revised Price (PKR) Price Decrease (PKR)
Petrol 110.35 108.56 1.79
High-Speed Diesel 113.08 110.76 2.32
Kerosene 82.06 80 2.06
Light Diesel Oil 79.86 77.56 2.21

Federal Minister of Finance, Hammad Azhar, informed about the reduction of the prices of petroleum products via his official Twitter account yesterday and said that the new prices will take effect on the 16th of April, 2021, which is today.

Yesterday, OGRA suggested the decrease in the prices of fuel in their latest summary that was sent to Prime Minister Imran Khan, who was to issue the final decision after consulting with the Ministry of Finance.

It was also being speculated that the Ministry of Finance might consider not decreasing the prices, which would help earn additional revenue through a larger petroleum levy.
