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These Foods Can Boost Your Mood

These Foods Can Boost Your Mood

Good food good mood

What we don’t only have a positive effect on your physical health but also has a huge impact on your mental health. Eating certain foods can help to improve the functioning of your brain but also ease your anxiety and give you the energy to think more clearly. Here are certain foods and eating habits that can boost your mental health and those that can be worse for you.

Up your Omega-3

Omega-3 polyunsaturated are very important in your diet, they help your brain cell membranes be flexible and also allow them to have strong communication with each other. A low intake of omega could lead to a poor mood. Oily fish including salmon and mackerel are a great source of omega-3, above recommended intakes must be one to two portions per week.  Walnuts and leafy greens are also rich in omega-3.

Pile on the vegetables

Adding different vegetables and fruits to your diet and having at least five portions per day, has a great impact on your mood. Also, you will get many nutrients that help your mental health and well-being. Fruits and vegetables also have antioxidants that have been linked with lower levels of anxiety. Having a different variety of vegetables in your diet is the best way to ensure you consume a lot of antioxidants.

Give your brain a berry boost

A 2009 reading university found that people who drink blueberry smoothies in the morning, minds work better in the afternoon. A 2017 study showed that children and young adults who drank a blueberry drink had a more positive mood for two hours after taking it. Blueberries contain Antioxidants like anthocyanins and are beneficial for your mental well-being.

Pack in plenty of B vitamins

Various vitamins B including vitamins B1, B2, niacin, B6 and folate, have a very important role in psychological function, keeping your nervous system healthy and reducing tiredness and fatigue. Food that contains vitamin B includes whole grains, meat, green vegetables, nuts, fish, bananas, avocados, potatoes and dairy foods.

Eat some asparagus

Asparagus is rich in vitamin C and folate, as well as sarsasapogenin, which animal studies recommend to reduce the level of stress hormone cortisol. Furthermore, the Chinese government has approved that asparagus is a natural ingredient in foods which has natural functioning of anti-anxiety properties.

Get your fibre fix

A rich fibre diet can help you feel better in many ways. First high-fiber foods have high nutrients and are rich in magnesium and zinc which are beneficial for mental health. Secondly, rich fibre foods help to keep constipation at bay and prevent bloating. Thirdly, helps the good bacteria in the gut to flourish, which may have a beneficial effect on mood.

Get more magnesium

A study found that magnesium deficiency increased anxiety-related behaviour in mice. Magnesium is a good source for proper brain function and maintaining a healthy nervous system. Magnisum-rich foods include leafy greens, almonds, seeds and whole grains. Magnisum-rich food helps humans to feel calmer.


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