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Jacinda Ardern Labour Party wins New Zealand election


Jacinda Ardern’s Labour Party secured the victory again in the New Zealand elections on Saturday as voters rewarded her for a decisive response to Covid-19. The polls opened at 09:00 local time (20:00 GMT Friday) and closed at 19:00. More than a million people had already voted in early polling which opened up on 3 October.

“To Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who I have phoned, congratulations on your result because it is, I believe, an outstanding result for the Labour Party,” said the New Zealand prime minister’s opponent Judith Collins said.

Labour has 50.3% of the vote, the Green Party has 7.6%, with Collins´ National Party holding 25.9%. The quarter of the votes still left to count.

No leader has achieved an absolute majority since New Zealand adopted a proportional voting system in 1996. She may need the continued support of the minor Green Party.

There was a delay in elections for a month after new Covid-19 infections in Auckland, that led to the second lockdown in country’s largest city. New Zealand, with a population of 5 million, currently has no cases of Covid-19. Labour is seeking a second term on the back of Ardern’s success in containing Covid-19. But Collins argues she knows the best how to handle the financial challenges after the pandemic.

New Zealand switched to a mixed-member proportional system in 1996. In this, a party needs 61 of Parliament’s 120 seats, usually about 48% of the vote to form a government. This means minor parties often play an influential role in determining which major party governs.

Results of the ballot will be announced on Oct 30.
