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What does it imply for Christians that this year’s Valentine’s Day falls on Ash Wednesday?

What does it imply for Christians that this year's Valentine's Day falls on Ash Wednesday?

Valentine’s Day will bring hearts, sweets, and loads of love to South Jersey, but this year Wednesday holds special significance for the local Christian community.

Since Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, falls on Valentine’s Day this year, some Christians might have to postpone their V-Day festivities.

Is Valentine’s Day possible to celebrate on Ash Wednesday?

Observing Ash Wednesday, worshippers between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast from meat and eat just one meal a day, as advised by their church.

Though some Ash Wednesday adherents may commemorate the occasion more laxly than others, those who keep the custom of fasting on the day and attending services to receive their ashes might wish to reconsider their Valentine’s Day supper plans.

What is Wednesday the Ash?

The first day of the Catholic Lenten calendar is Ash Wednesday. The term alludes to the Catholic custom of having ashes placed on one’s forehead during a special ceremony. Additionally, they are urged to turn from their sins, attend confession, and dedicate their lives to God.

These ashes, which can be combined with holy water or chrism oil, are usually made from leftover palms on Palm Sunday.

Six and a half weeks before Easter is Ash Wednesday.

What’s the Lent Season?

One season of the Catholic liturgical calendar is Lent. This season lasts for forty days, Sundays excluded, and culminates in the Easter celebration.

People who observe Lent are urged to give up meat on Fridays, make a sacrifice or pledge, and spiritually be ready for Christ’s resurrection on Easter.

For those who observe, this is a season of penance and discipline, symbolic of the sacrifices that Christians believe Jesus made during his forty days in the wilderness.

“Like Jesus, we confront our temptations and devils head-on as we enter the desert of Lent, guided by the Holy Spirit. However, we are not alone ourselves. In a statement released by the Trenton Diocese, Most Reverend David M. O’Connell, Bishop of Trenton, declared, “The Lord Jesus Christ is with us.”

Who observes Lent?

Lent is observed by Catholics and members of some other Christian religions.

Among them are Methodists, Eastern Orthodox, Anglicans, Lutherans, and Roman Catholics.

Easter is coming up soon.

Easter will be observed on Sunday, March 31st this year.

