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PTI Leader Omar Ayub Demands Immediate Elections and Reforms

PTI Leader Omar Ayub Demands Immediate Elections and Reforms

The PTI leader said The direction of the wind is changing but still it requires to be changed completely.

It is a compromised government with no one having trust over it neither it could make strong decisions the opposition leader in the National Assembly said.

Omar Ayub demanded immediate new elections, a level playing field, and the withdrawal of cases against the PTI leadership. One day they will open the jail’s door and tell the PTI founder that they want to hold talks with him.

They have to tell the PTI founder that come and assume the charge of government, we could not run it Omar Ayub said. It will be good for the country if this government changes as early as possible he said.

Drastic reforms required in the country could only be managed by the PTI’s founder Ayub said.

It is the establishment or the government, they all have to sit and hold talks he said. Return us our mandate then we will talk with these political parties Omar Ayub said.

PTI’s founder had made a three-member committee

He said the PTI’s founder had made a three-member committee for talks with the establishment. No one has talked with this committee, and neither we are overly eager for it. PTI founder had formed the committee for someone saying that you didn’t talk with us.

Omar Ayub referred to a senior People’s Party leader saying to him that either the PML-N will stab us in the back or we to them.

PTI leader said that there is no reference to a hybrid system in the constitution, if it is running currently, it is unconstitutional and illegal. Those calling it a hybrid system, are talking on an unconstitutional matter, which requires Article 6 to be invoked he said.

This system and the government could not run, and the government would collapse soon he predicted. The days of the government are numbered. They are deferring the budget’s date.

Opposition leaders said that the IMF had told them to consult over the budget with the opposition, but they didn’t do so.

A new election could be avoided if they return our mandate and withdraw cases against us the PTI leader said.

We have passed through the furnace of fire to become solid iron, now none of us will return. We are facing cases and go to jail if the bail is canceled he said.

If the IMF contacts us, we will only demand supremacy of the constitution and the law in the country, he added.
