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Ahmad Ali Butt is chastised by Maha Ali Kazmi for providing “character certificates”

Ahmad Ali Butt is chastised by Maha Ali Kazmi for providing "character certificates"

Singer Maha Ali Kazmi has criticized actor-turned-recent podcast presenter Ahmad Ali Butt on her Instagram Stories. Butt, who recently spoke with Ali Noor for a podcast episode, has been questioned by Kazmi. In 2013, Kazmi, who had previously accused the Noori frontman of “harassment and professional misconduct” at a Coke Studio audition, released pictures showing Butt texting Maha in a suggestive manner.

In addition, Kazmi wrote, “Mr. Ahmad Ali Butt is adjudicating on a matter, holding a court of public opinion, in a matter that is sub-judice before the court of law (Ombudsman for Sindh for Protection against Harassment of Women), which Mr. Ali Noor is avoiding to defend for reasons best known to him.” Kazmi also posted a screenshot of Butt and Noor in conversation on her Instagram Story.

“Even otherwise, I have a few questions,” she went on. 1. Why has Mr. Ali Noor’s record been cleared? 2. Who has offered him the clean slate? 3. To whom has Mr. Ahmed Ali Butt granted permission to distribute character certificates? 4. Is it reasonable to declare Mr. Ali Noor “not guilty” in such a biased way?”

Kazmi wrote, “It is not easy at all in our patriarchal society to call out such predators, and no self-respecting girl wants to go through the ordeal which I went through.” It’s not like the self-appointed judge(s) of women and their character who are eager to clear their “bro” are really credible. I suppose misogynists have a twisted “bro code” whereby they support one another in covering up their dirty crimes; shame on them.”

In addition to the screenshots and this text, Kazmi provided an additional explanation. “I want to be clear that, as a matter of principle, I am very cautious about the privacy of people who I engage with. I would never divulge information about talks. However, I am exposing this specific exchange because it most effectively illustrates my argument that Mr. Butt shouldn’t be bestowing character awards on people when his own behavior is so lacking in integrity.”

Both Butt and Kazmi for their respective formal remarks. In response, Kazmi gave her whole position on the subject. “I was inspired to have this chat after all these years by a podcast featuring Mr. Ali Noor and presented by Mr. Ahmad Ali Butt. In a case that is under appeal before the Court of Law, Mr. Ahmad Ali Butt is making decisions and presiding over a court of public opinion (Ombudsman for Sindh for Protection against Harassment of Women). In the podcast, Mr. Butt appeared to agree with Mr. Noor that he had long since cleansed his record and that the accusations made against him were baseless.”

“I would have done it years ago if I had a goal other than defending my reputation,” she went on. In addition, I was the recipient of a torrent of derogatory remarks because of my earlier interaction with Mr. Noor, which included attacks on my reliability, honesty, reputation, and character. After sharing my story, I went through a terrible period. Why would I risk experiencing that misery once more? Such uninvited communications are easily dismissed, and our culture has normalized them. Not a single woman in the world hasn’t gotten texts like this. Furthermore, it is nonetheless unacceptable despite its widespread use.”

Kazmi went on, “Until you put yourself in the shoes of a young woman entering the media industry with stars in her eyes, receiving these messages on an idle morning and her whole world comes crashing down shattering her confidence, it somehow doesn’t feel like that big of an offense anymore.” She no longer knows who to trust, and as a result, all of her interactions with her male coworkers have become uncomfortable. I recall the feelings these texts evoked in me. Here I had a veteran of the media business who seemed well-respected and powerful, sneaking into my messenger at the crack of morning and telling me where he gets his thrills. Perhaps it was simply harmless, vulgar conversation to him, but I found it to be a really frightening experience. I even had to seem indifferent to those hurtful comments, creating the appearance that even though this behavior is extremely wrong, I will ignore it and act as though his account was hacked.”

“Over the years, I’ve persuaded myself that I should just try to ignore such behavior because it’s so prevalent and maybe it’s just an occupational hazard,” the woman continued. However, when this interview surfaced, it completely unsettled me—a man who is so blatantly misogynistic himself, yet has the audacity to clear another person who is accused of the same crimes.”

Ahmad Ali Butt is chastised by Maha Ali Kazmi for providing "character certificates"

Ahmad Ali Butt is chastised by Maha Ali Kazmi for providing "character certificates"

Ahmad Ali Butt is chastised by Maha Ali Kazmi for providing "character certificates"

Ahmad Ali Butt is chastised by Maha Ali Kazmi for providing "character certificates"
