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Men are not respected by Khalilur Rehman Qamar either

Men are not respected by Khalilur Rehman Qamar either

In a recent interview, self-described relationship and women expert Khalilur Rehman Qamar expressed his backward opinions once more. Although we’re tired of berating him because it doesn’t really change anything, it was noteworthy that this time he targeted guys, who are typically his biggest fans.

Qamar asserted that it takes time for people to comprehend him in a recent Express TV episode of The Talk Talk Show, hosted by Hassan Choudary. Just so you know, we’ve given him plenty of time, and his prejudices haven’t changed. It’s a cringe-worthy experience every time he opens his mouth, which only serves to increase our contempt for his antiquated viewpoints.

Qamar specifically targeted men in this interview, as well as members of his own gender and those who often support his misogynistic beliefs. In response to a question concerning his obsession with women in his writing, particularly in pieces such as Aik Sau Taeeswaan, one of the three short stories featured in Teri Meri Kahaniyaan, a Hum TV anthology film, he gave a ridiculous reaction.

“Men are made to be worse than women; you cannot change him at any cost or in any circumstance,” asserted Qamar. Men are naturally inclined to cheat. He went so far as to say that since there is “no one better,” women should continue dating unfaithful men.

According to the author, all men are unfaithful and incapable of remaining faithful to their partners. The disrespect this shows to both men and women is obvious. To his male fans, this conveys a disturbing message: you are unworthy of our trust.

When questioned about the recurrent themes of “haya and wafa” [loyalty and humility] throughout his dramas, Qamar asserted in the same interview that although these virtues are fundamental to the world, men lack them.

Men don’t naturally possess ‘haya and wafa,’ or humility and loyalty; they have to borrow it from women. He learned loyalty to women from them, but women are born with it, he asserted.

Qamar seems to believe that men lack humility and modesty and need to be schooled by women, much like obedient toddlers.

When questioned about the stereotype of males as adulterers, Qamar ruled out any chance of reform, claiming that because “men don’t reproduce,” it would upend society and result in widespread procreation. It’s astounding how little sense and connection there is in this.

Qamar lacks basic respect for males as seen by his generalization that “all men are cheaters.” We find it hard to comprehend that #NotAllMen exists. It’s ludicrous that he would categorize all men who cheat as being unfaithful. Here’s a reality check for all the men who support him: in Qamar’s eyes, you are not the noble person he portrays. Qamar tells women in committed relationships to be insecure and never to have faith in men because he believes that males are meant to betray those they love.

There is minimal chance that a man will treat women with respect if he cannot simply demonstrate fundamental decency toward his own gender. Though it appears that Qamar may not have known them, there are a great deal of men in the world who are modest and faithful in their relationships. But we realize that it is pointless to expect Qamar to understand this.

It’s not like he’s tried to hide his bizarre beliefs on global citizens. His condescending treatment of Marvi Sirmed during a debate about the “Mera Jism Meri Marzi” slogan advocating consent, his immature tweet criticizing Mahira Khan for expressing different opinions, and his infamous “do takkay ki aurat” dialogue—later weaponized by misogynistic men—are just a few instances of his regressive mindset toward women. His self-righteous and, quite frankly, vicious attitude has been on display time and time again.

These are all examples of his immaturity when it comes to taking criticism or opposing viewpoints.

It’s time for media outlets and talk show hosts to stop airing Qamar’s divisive opinions. Not only is it dishonorable, but his tendency to minimize criticism and denigrate important problems on these platforms also helps to normalize harmful beliefs.

Even though Khalilur Rehman Qamar claims to be an expert on women, his forty years of observation of women do not equip him to comprehend the challenges and complexities that women face in a society that desperately needs to move past his antiquated viewpoint.

There are many unsettling opportunities he has been given to propagate his poisonous opinions, and this interview is only one of them. This time, we discovered that, similar to his belief that women are inferior to males, he also doesn’t think nice men exist. It’s past time that he refrains from making hurtful remarks to others and that the media quits promoting his outdated opinions.
