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PM Shehbaz Sharif to Boost Pakistan-China Business Ties During China Visit

PM Shehbaz Sharif to Boost Pakistan-China Business Ties During China Visit

The prime minister chaired a meeting to review the preparations for his upcoming visit to China, wherein he directed the formulation of comprehensive plans to hold result-oriented business-to-business meetings between the two countries.

He instructed the relevant authorities to devise strategies for attracting Chinese industries to set up their units in Pakistan, assuring his government’s all-out facilitation to the industrialists and investors.

During the briefing to the prime minister on the preparations for his China visit, he was told that a delegation of industrialists, investors, and businessmen would accompany him to China’s Shenzhen city.

The delegation would hold meetings with the Chinese business community to promote business-to-business linkages between the two countries.

Meanwhile, the premier also directed Pakistan’s Ambassador to China to extend all-out facilitation to the Pakistani business delegation during its visit there.

PM Shehbaz Sharif will visit China from June 4 to 8 at the invitation of President Xi Jinping, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) said.

During the three-segment trip, the prime minister will visit the cities of Xi’an and Shenzhen, besides Beijing, Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said.

She said that Shehbaz Sharif would meet President Xi Jinping and hold delegation-level talks with Premier Li Qiang in Beijing.

He will also hold meetings with the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress Zhao Leji and heads of key government departments.

The spokesperson said that an important aspect of the prime minister’s visit will be meetings with corporate executives of leading Chinese companies dealing in oil and gas, energy, ICT, and emerging technologies.

In Shenzhen, Prime Minister Shehbaz will address the China-Pakistan Business Forum with leading businesspersons, entrepreneurs, and investors from both countries.

He will also visit Economic and Agricultural Zones in China, she added. The prime minister’s visit to China manifests the iron-clad Pakistan-China friendship characterized by frequent high-level exchanges and dialogue.
