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Short Poetry Snippets- Part I “Surely You Must Know”

Where have I been?

It’s been quite some time since I’ve shared some poetry. I don’t write regularly since every work, every poetic masterpiece needs inspiration. Each and every poem requires a fire burning at the core and a sound mind. Furthermore, a clear mind but no fire is just theory and logic. While the other way around, it’s nothing but a mumbo jumbo of feelings and thoughts that could be relatable but not as pleasurable as poetry is. Without these things, it’s hard to call it a poem. I wrote a poem a few days back.
To be honest, it’s quite shorter than the other ones I’ve posted previously. Why? Because the inspiration was short-lived. If you know what I mean…
Anyway, this poem really helped me to process my feelings for a good friend of mine. They know who they are. And even if they don’t, please use your brain.
So, without further ado, here’s my poem.

Surely You Must Know

By Minahil Nadeem

Surely you must know
Our memories a long time ago

Surely you must know
How much you dance like a pro

Surely you must know
How much I can’t seem to let you go

Surely you must know
How much I wanna see you grow

Surely you must know
How much my affections overflow

Surely you must know
How much you make me glow

Surely you must know
How much I love you so

Before you go

I’m not sure if you know this, but I’ve been working on a short story for quite some time now. A few months actually. Hopefully, I will find a way to get it published. Once I do, I will make sure that I also upload a few chapters here on this website. So, stay tuned. You WON”T REGRET!!

To read more about negative thoughts, click here.
If you’re not tired of my poetry, check THIS out.

Finally, for your brain boost, I would like to recommend this!!
