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Seen but Ignored? Find Out Why This Happens!

Ignored for What?

First, I’d like to ask you all a question. Do you ever feel as if people don’t take you seriously? For example, you are talking but nobody is paying attention? Or do people see you but just tend to ignore you? If the answer is yes, then you need to understand that you might be doing something that leads to this. Of course, the blame is not a hundred percent on YOU. I mean, we all get ignored!

But, we also all need attention in one way or another. For some, it might be in the form of respect. While, for a few individuals, it might be in the shape of love. Everybody knows that we all need healthy relationships with other humans. Psychology proves this point again and again. However, if you are stuck in this loop where people tend to ignore you, you might be doing it subconsciously.

getting ignored

They’re Just Getting Revenge

Are you talkative? Depending on whether you are loquacious or not can really affect the way people react to you. Now, throw talking about yourself only into that mix, and you’ve got the perfect recipe on why to ignore a person. Perhaps, you’re doing it unintentionally and that’s completely fine and understandable. Sometimes, we really like our new outfits!! Talking about it is not a SIN. But, you should know that this is one of the reasons why people ignore others. Moreover, it displays that you care only about yourself and not the person listening. Remember to let them talk too! And when they talk, don’t just zone out. Ask them questions and genuinely show your concern. It will go a long way! Otherwise, you’ll just be ignored!

Judgmental Auntie (or Uncle)!

Nobody likes criticism. Even people who say they do, don’t. Sure, they might like it when their closest friends say it in sugar-coated words, but other than that, everyone hates it! In fact, as humans, we know that we are not perfect. I mean, that’s what being human is all about! However, measured criticism is essential for mental and emotional growth. But, too much and you’re drowning! So, try not to be too critical of your friends. Moreover, if you see them making a mistake, only correct them if the consequences are dangerous. Finally, try to add some compliments and words of encouragement here and there to make others feel better in your company. Not going to try it? Try not to get ignored!

Ignored because You’re Overflowing with Pessimism

Think about how people react to negativity and pessimism? Yeah, not well. We tend to flee or vacate as soon as possible. If you’re pessimistic or just generally really negative, you might notice that people don’t like to spend lots of time with you. Sorry, but it’s natural. As humans, we are inclined to gravitate to places where we are loved and valued. So, if you constantly say negative things, people might not enjoy your company. Later, they might just ignore you then putting up a false facade of understanding. 

body language

Where’s the Confidence?

According to studies, confident individuals are attractive. Moreover, making a good first impression can’t hurt either. If people ignore you or don’t pay attention to what you have to say, it might be because of your lack of confidence. Therefore, you should speak with conviction and use a steady voice. Also, you can dress the part to make a better impact. But, don’t forget that body language is the loudest language. Keep an upright composure! You’ll thank me later. 

Interested in Psychology? Check out this article as well.
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