A girl in Bahawalpur has committed suicide after a boy tried to rape her while working in the fields. According to details in the Khairpur Tamiwali area of Bahawalpur 18-year old girl has committed suicide after an obscene young man tried to rape her and the police did not arrest the accused. Upon learning of […]
The number of confirmed coronavirus cases across the globe has surpassed 30 million, according to figures by America’s Johns Hopkins University. More than 940,000 have died with Covid-19 since the outbreak began in China late last year. The worst-hit nations are the US, India, and Brazil, but there is a renewed spike in infections across […]
At least 22 educational institutes in Pakistan have been closed over violations of COVID-19 SOPs. According to the National Command and Operations Center, 22 educational institutions were closed in the last 48 hours for violating coronavirus SOPs. Around 16 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, one in Islamabad and five in Azad Kashmir have been closed. NCOC officials […]
KARACHI: Pakistani celebrities were set to gather at Karachi press club on Monday evening to mark what would be their second protest against the motorway incident. I was a bit early to the venue and hence saw another protest underway, this one organized by the trans community to condemn the recent killings, harassment, and assault. […]
Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar on Monday confirmed that police have arrested a suspect named Shafqat in the Lahore motorway gang-rape case, who has also under interrogation confessed to have committed the crime. Taking to Twitter, the chief minister said that the DNA of suspect Shafqat had matched with the samples collected from the crime […]