According to market sources, the price of a 10-kilogram flour bag has dropped by Rs 270 from Rs 1470 to Rs 1200. Similarly, the price of a 15-kilogram flour bag has decreased by Rs 600 to Rs 1650, while a 20-kilogram flour bag now costs Rs 2250, down from Rs 2880, sources added. Sources said […]
Recently, Ryan Gosling disclosed that his two kids, Esmeralda Amada, 9, and Amada Lee, 8, objected to a certain stunt in his latest movie, “The Fall Guy.” When Gosling’s girls heard about a fire scene, they apparently didn’t care about his promises regarding safety precautions. Gosling said to People, “My kids didn’t want me to […]
On Thursday, the Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) stopped a major methamphetamine smuggling effort to reach Belgium and seized almost 224 kg of the illicit drug. Five shipping containers’ walls and roofs were used to expertly conceal the narcotics, which were disguised as soapstones. Through the border crossing at Torkham, the containers were being transported from Karachi […]
This is the lowest reading in the last 23 months (after May 2022),” said Mohammed Sohail, CEO of Topline Securities, in a note. In its monthly report, the ministry said the inflation outlook for April 2024 maintains a downward trajectory, attributed to the favorable base effect from the previous year and improvements in the domestic […]
On Thursday, Foreign Office (FO) Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch dismissed as “preposterous” the accusations made against Pakistani institutions by Shahzad Akbar, advisor to former premier Imran Khan. The spokesperson described Akbar’s charges as “baseless and politically motivated” during her weekly news briefing. Baloch underlined Pakistan’s dedication to the protection of its citizens overseas and refuted […]
Sources told ARY News that these two firms have not even submitted their applications for tenders yet as the last date for tenders related to the privatization of the PIA is May 3. According to sources within the Privatisation Commission, the date for the submission of applications for the PIA stake tenders is likely to […]
Actor Mahira Khan used social media to share her excitement about the good atmosphere she experienced during the fourth EMIGALA in Dubai, where she was named The Artist in Fashion and received a standing ovation. After sharing a picture of herself on Instagram in the gorgeous blue gown that has garnered global attention and made […]
In today’s trading session, the 100 index of PSX shows a range of movement, with the high recorded at 71,292.83 points and the low registered at 70,562.12 points. Meanwhile, a total of 225,619,410 shares valuing Rs 11.79 billion were traded during the day as compared to 560,552,783 shares valuing Rs 25.730 billion the last day. […]
Sources close to the development revealed that Asif Hussain has resigned as ECP Secretary, adding that the former ECP Secretary, Omar Hamid, reappointed to the same position. It is pertinent to mention here that, earlier this year on January 07, Omar Hamid resigned as ECP secretary over health concerns. Sources stated that Omar Hamid was […]
TECNO, Pakistan’s No 1 selling smartphone brand, just launched its much-awaited series of the year CAMON 30 in a grand fashion show called “Vogue Night” on 30th April in Karachi. The Camon 30 Series, comprising the TECNO CAMON 30, CAMON 30 Pro, and CAMON 30 Premier, represents a leap forward in smartphone technology. With their […]