Taking to their Instagram handle on Monday evening, the proud parents Sana Khan and Mufti Anas Saiyad announced the birth of their second son in a joint post. “It’s a Boy! We are overjoyed to share the beautiful news of the arrival of our little prince,” read the text on their animated announcement video. “Overflowing […]
BEIJING: A Chinese man reunites with his kidnapped son after a 24-year; search that saw him travel half a million kilometres across China on a motorbike; chasing tipoffs on the boy’s whereabouts. Guo Gangtang’s son was just two years and five months old when he gets abduct in 1997 from in front of the family […]
Lee Kun-Hee, the ailing Samsung Electronics chairman who transformed the small television maker into a global giant of consumer electronics. 78-year-old Lee died on Sunday. His family was by his side when he died because of heart attack. The death of the chairman comes at a time when his son, the de facto leader of […]
Harassment: Police have arrested the son of a former chief justice of the AJK Supreme Court, Chaudhry Ibrahim Zia, for allegedly harassing a female doctor for the past two years in Muzaffarabad. Arsalan Zia, who is an employee in the Information Technology section of the AJK high court, was arrested who is the suspect of […]
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend Lose Baby After Pregnancy Complications. John Legend and wife Chrissy Teigen have said they are in “deep pain” after losing their baby during pregnancy. Chrissy Teigen, who is also a TV presenter, is known for being an upbeat person, sharing her little moments on her social media. Teigen was taken […]