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Biden Picks Pakistan-Origin Big Tech Critic


US President Joe Biden on Tuesday installed an energetic critic of Big Tech as a top federal regulator at a time when the industry is under intense pressure from Congress; regulators and state attorneys general. Moreover, The selection of Pakistan-origin legal scholar Lina Khan to head the; Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is seen as signaling a tough stance; towards tech giants Facebook; Google, Amazon and Apple. Khan was sworn in as FTC chair just hours; after the Senate confirmed her as one of five members of the commission on a 69-28 vote.

Professor at Columbia University:

Moreover, Khan has been a professor at Columbia University Law School; burst onto the antitrust scene with her massive scholarly work in 2017 as a Yale law student; “Amazon’s Antitrust Paradox”. Secondly, She helped lay the foundation for a new way of looking at antitrust law beyond the impact of big company market dominance on consumer prices. Furthermore, As counsel to a House Judiciary antitrust panel in 2019 and 2020, she played a key role in a sweeping bipartisan investigation of the market power of the tech giants. At 32, she is believed to be the youngest chair in the history of the FTC; which polices competition and consumer protection in the industry generally as well as digital privacy.

“Lina brings deep knowledge and expertise to this role and will be a fearless champion for consumers;” Senator Elizabeth Warren; who has called for tech industry breakups, said in a statement. “Giant tech companies deserve the growing scrutiny they are facing, and consolidation is choking off competition across American industries. With Khan at the helm; we have a huge opportunity to make big; structural change by reviving antitrust enforcement and fighting monopolies that threaten our economy, our society; and our democracy.” Khan also was a legal adviser to Rohit Chopra, an FTC commissioner, and was previously legal director of the Open Markets Institute, an organization that advocates against corporate concentration.

President Biden

“It is a tremendous honor to have been selected; by President Biden to lead the Federal Trade Commission;” Khan said in a statement. Moreover, “I look forward to working with my colleagues to protect the public from corporate abuse;” Biden said as a presidential candidate that dismantling the big tech companies should be considered. He has also said he wants to see quickly crimped the social media companies’ long-held legal protections for speech on their platforms. Biden in March appointed Tim Wu; also an academic expert on antitrust and industry critic, as a special assistant to the president for technology and competition policy within the National Economic Council.

Lastly, Wu, like Khan a Columbia law professor; has been a senior adviser to the FTC and a senior enforcement attorney in the New York attorney general’s office. Lastly, The tech industry, once lionized by lawmakers and presidents as an engine of innovation and jobs; has seen its political fortunes eroded in recent years. Calls have been rising to break up the Silicon Valley giants.
