Emotional Intelligence -What is it? And how to BUILD it?


Emotional Scenario

Let’s see if you can relate to this emotional scenario. Have you ever said or did something that made you feel as if you hurt the other person? Did you regret that incident afterwards? Or did you just brush it off and not let it bother you? Well, I’m gonna be real. Most of us act on impulse. Furthermore, we let our emotions conquer us. Moreover, since there are so many emotions, it’s hard to fight back when they all decide to gang up on us. Yeah, not a pretty sight.

But, did you know that there’s only five basic emotions? The rest are not so fundamental. Now, what does this mean? Well, these emotions are the innate expressions of humans. Every human being is emotional. No matter what your cold-hearted and stoic friend tells you. These emotions are joy, anger, sadness, disgust, and fear. If you’ve seen INSIDE OUT, you’re probably nodding your head right now.

Now, back to our emotional scenario. Have you ever thought maybe you wanted to be in control of your emotions rather than the other way around? GUESS WHAT? It’s completely POSSIBLE. And, I’m gonna let you in on some secret guidelines that will help you achieve your goal. So, without further delay, let’s do this!!

Recognize and Deconstruct Your Emotions

Most of us are not good in communication. We lack the proper word choice to express ourselves. Don’t worry. I already gave some tips HERE. But, before we can express ourselves, we need to understand what IT IS that we’re feeling. Once we understand the emotion, it becomes easier to manage it. So, how do you do this? Well, the best way to keep a track of your emotions and understand their capacity fully is to keep a journal! Trust me! It works wonders!!
Re-reading old diary entries really helps us to understand our triggers and stimulants. It helps us to understand the full capacity of our personality. Once you start writing about your feelings, you’ll definitely comprehend what led you to feel a certain way. And, in the future, you can overcome such circumstances. Also, journaling your feelings helps you to avoid generalizing them. Like most of us do.


Try New Things

I know. New is very scary sometimes. But, new things will help you gain an additional perspective. Additionally, it makes you more open-minded and accepting. And we all want that. Right? So, where do we begin? Remember that I’m not saying that you have to move to another place to experience this phenomenon. In fact, learning a new language or spending time with someone that you’re not very close to can open up your mind. Learning new things stimulates your neurons and helps create new connections. Fascinating, isn’t it??


Okay, true story coming through. I’ve never really been into this whole self-care regime. Whether it’s skin, hair, mental or physical health. But, the more I read about it and the success stories I find all over the internet, the more I’m changing my mind. Perhaps I missed something. Who knows? Maybe, it’s what I’ve been missing all this time. In fact, self-care is necessary when mastering your emotions. Furthermore, a study proved that walking improved cerebral blood flow. This, in turn, create mental clarity. WOW! This is great news for people like me who like to walk when they’re anxious or upset.
What else can you incorporate to your self-care routine. A good night’s sleep of course. Also, exercise and plenty of water. Furthermore, studies have shown that meditation and social connection can help you balance and let out your emotions.

Relish Your Happiness

During the course of life, we tend to forget that happiness is not always constant. It comes and goes. Therefore, when it is present, it must be treated with appreciation and gratefulness. Now, how can we do this? Firstly, start by appreciating your accomplishment. Yay! I did it!! Next, you can keep a positivity journal by the bedside and recall your happy moments there.
Even though we tend to remember the bad and overlook the good, by practicing these techniques, we will be able to overcome the darkness until only light overflows.
Thanks for reading.

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