The 46-year-old Pakistani morning show host, Nida Yasir, faced extreme social media backlash after inviting deceased Marwah’s parents on her show. She’s known for asking problematic questions on her show but this time she crossed all limits of insolence by profiting off a family’s personal tragedy. Nida has come under fire for making the parents […]
The number of confirmed coronavirus cases across the globe has surpassed 30 million, according to figures by America’s Johns Hopkins University. More than 940,000 have died with Covid-19 since the outbreak began in China late last year. The worst-hit nations are the US, India, and Brazil, but there is a renewed spike in infections across […]
ISLAMABAD/HARIPUR: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday directed the chief secretaries to pay special attention to the removal of Patwari and corruption culture and the introduction of digitization in land transfer and other issues. The prime minister said strict action should be taken against those who cause corruption or unnecessary problems to people. In view […]
At least 22 educational institutes in Pakistan have been closed over violations of COVID-19 SOPs. According to the National Command and Operations Center, 22 educational institutions were closed in the last 48 hours for violating coronavirus SOPs. Around 16 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, one in Islamabad and five in Azad Kashmir have been closed. NCOC officials […]
New Zealand is in its deepest recession in decades, following strict measures in response to the Covid-19 pandemic which were widely praised. The country’s GDP shrank by 12.2% between April and June as the lockdown and border closures hit. It is New Zealand’s first recession since the global financial crisis and its worst since 1987 […]
A female student has alleged that she has been receiving rape and murder threats and has exposed the man behind it on social media. A boy named Ibsham Zahid, who is a former student of BBTC in Lahore has been threatening a girl named Fatima. According to a post shared on social media, Ibsham Zahid […]
Famous Pakistani Tiktoker Adil_Raajput passed away in a tragic car accident. His wife confirmed the sad news in a video message on his official account. Famous Pakistani Tiktoker Adil_Raajput passed away a short while ago in a tragic car accident. His wife confirmed the sad news in a video messsage on his official account. 🥲#adilrajput […]
The Indian Charge d’affaires was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday to register Pakistan’s serious concerns over the “Jodhpur Incident” in which 11 Pakistani Hindus, including children, were found dead under mysterious circumstances. The incident occurred in Village Lodta Haridasot, district Jodhpur, in the Indian state of Rajasthan on August 9, 2020. […]
ISLAMABAD: The number of global under-five deaths dropped to the lowest point on record in 2019 — down to 5.2 million from 12.5m in 1990, according to new mortality estimates released by the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (Unicef) on Wednesday. Surveys by Unicef and the World Health Organization (WHO) reveal that the Covid-19 pandemic […]
At least one person died after a multi-storey residential building collapsed in Karachi’s Korangi area, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre Director Dr. Seemin Jamali said. The victim was 15 years old, she added. Five injured people have been brought to the hospital so far, all of whom are stable, she said. The five-storey building was located […]