Recently, former Bollywood actress Twinkle Khanna revealed the drastic lengths she and her peers went to in order to preserve the perfect on-screen persona throughout their careers. During an open discussion on Suitable Conversations with Shrayana Bhattacharya, Twinkle shared the difficulties she encountered while filming the song Mohabbat Ho Gayee for the Shah Rukh Khan […]
Meray Paas Tum Ho, which debuted on television in 2019, was met with great acclaim and attracted a devoted following due to its depiction of love and treachery. Although the drama series, which was directed by Nadeem Baig and penned by Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar, was well received, some viewers took issue with the way it portrayed […]
Adnan Siddiqui: Wishing our Christian brothers and sisters a yuletide season filled with warmth, joy, and the sweet melody of festive cheer! May your days be merry and your heart be light. #MerryChristmas2023 — Adnan Siddiqui (@adnanactor) December 24, 2023 Hania Aamir: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Hania Aamir 哈尼亚·阿米尔 […]
However, on Saturday, an X user shared pictures from her photoshoot to criticize the “vulgarity” of the “trend” of maternity shoots that according to them, Pakistani celebrities are now popularizing. Taking to the micro-blogging site, this user tweeted, “Ye marry so cold celebrities ne ajeeb becharms Ophelia hui hai, banda pooch is ki surat kia […]
Along with the Animal star, Raha and mother Alia smiled for photographers while wearing lovely holiday attire. The Indian media claims that the one-year-old looks a lot like her late grandfather, Rishi Kapoor. Like her cousins Taimur, Jeh, and Inaya, Raha has gorgeous colored eyes; hers are blue, though. The First Time the Couple has […]
It all started when Hocane posted on her Instagram Stories about how much she was enjoying Gilani’s remarkable performance in Neem, a musical that was receiving great acclaim. “If anyone deserves this, it’s you,” she said, praising Gilani for his diligence. Working on Sabaat and Neem with Gilani was an honor for Mawra, who called […]
Throughout the performance, Pasha expressed her sincere respect for Ahlawat’s deft acting style and her desire to work with him should the chance to do a cross-border production arise. In answer to a question from the audience, Pasha emphasized her appreciation for his skill by saying, “I really like him as an actor, and I […]
Aymen Saleem, a model and actress from Pakistan, wed Kamran Malik on Friday in a small ceremony. Aymen, who had her stage debut in the Pakistani drama “Chupke Chupke” as Ramisha, also known as “Mishi,” announced the news on social media as she started a new chapter in her life. “Alhamdulillah, here’s to my forever,” […]
Celebrity Bollywood actor and producer Arbaaz Khan has once again captured the interest of both his fans and the press with rumors of his impending marriage emerging shortly after his public split from model Giorgia Andriani. Reports circulating indicate that Arbaaz and Bollywood makeup artist Shura Khan are about to start a new chapter in […]
Superstar Mahira Khan of Pakistan wrote a beautiful letter to her inner child on her birthday yesterday, embarking on a moving journey into her past. Recognized as one of Pakistan’s most prominent figures, Mahira’s Instagram post exhibited an alluring fusion of introspection and nostalgia. The post showed a sensitive and reflective side of the well-known […]